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Courses & Talks |
There are many ways of correcting dysfunctional breathing using the Buteyko Method training system. Some people will only want a brief summary of the method and try to teach themselves others will have decided that they need the support and experience of a Buteyko Educator on a full training course. Download course details HERE |
Books |
"The Buteyko Guide to Better Breathing & Better Health" will give you a broad introduction to the Buteyko Method, its history, science, conditions that can be helped and more.
Download e-book or order paper copy from: www.Lulu.com/spotlight/Lingard |
"The Buteyko Guide to Better Asthma Management" The introductory guide for asthmatics.
Download e-book or order paper copy from: www.Lulu.com/spotlight/Lingard |
Workshops |
Introductory workshops are held with basic Buteyko training. This is a useful approach for companies or other groups that want to help improve the health and wellbeing of the participants through better breathing at a low cost per person. Ask for details Contact Us
There is a DVD training course that is a good introduction for those who cannot enroll on a course or do not have access to Skype.
Ask for details Contact Us
Skype 1-2-1 |
The Skype Buteyko Course offers many of the benefits of a full training face to face without the inconvenience of travel. This course can be offered to anyone anywhere in the world. If you think this will be best for you ask for more information. What is included on the course HERE
Download pdf leadlets on relevant conditions:
Full Buteyko Course |
There is no substitute for the full five session training course, as individual training is often necessary to deal with the many problems people may meet when changing a long-standing bad habit of hyperventilating and the many other lifestyle factors that are part of the full training. Generally it makes sense that if your Control Pause is less than 20 seconds you ought to enroll on a full training course. Current Course details of content and fees can be downloaded HERE